Alex Clarke Q&A

Alex Clarke, artist behind the portrait that accompanies There Is A Draft, talks to Jonathan Clode.

JC: What interested you in the All is not well project?

AC: It’s incredibly flattering to be asked to contribute. I don’t really consider myself to be an artist as this is the first project of any kind that I’ve been involved in.

As for the project itself; it is great to see a group of creative people use their talent to shine a light on an issue that isn’t given the attention/solution it deserves. Hopefully this project challenges some people’s indifference towards homelessness.

JC: What is it about portraiture that particularly speaks to you?

AC: There’s a tension in the collaborative process as both the artist and subject can be quite uncomfortable initially. This sometimes creates an energy or vulnerability that can make for an interesting image. I think a bit of discomfort can be good for us and I really enjoy the arresting nature of someone’s direct glare. 

JC: What can you tell us about your subject for this piece?

She was very generous to embrace my proposal. I kind of sprung up from nowhere and blindsided her by asking if she would be willing to take part. In the brief time we had together it was clear that she is a big character and a well-known figure in Cardiff City Centre.

AC: She is a creator herself and this is something I wanted to capture in the image to demonstrate that she is proactively trying to better her situation by making items to sell.

October 26, 2022