With generous support from Innovation for All, backed by Research Wales Innovation Funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, All is Not Well is embarking on a new chapter. The new project furthers the focus on social care in All is Not Well 1.0 with a focus on the impact of Covid on care and support for people who are homeless.
The project is a partnership between Ryan Prout (MLANG), Jonathan Clode (social care worker and author) and Proper Design (Cardiff-based bureau).
All is Not Well 2.0 will commission new work about homelessness in Wales, by comics writers and artists, to capture the voices of critical care workers and the experiences of those they assist.
It is important not only to record what it was like for people experiencing homelessness to confront the Covid epidemic, but also to hear the voices of stakeholders in Cardiff’s homelessness care sector.
Our project will visualise the challenges faced by those who have been supporting some of the most vulnerable in our communities during this time and look ahead to post-Covid recovery and to the lessons that can be applied from managing the pandemic.
The new comic strips will include documentary content representing stakeholder discussions about future priorities. Creative input comes from established artists and from new talents, including people using comic art to document their rehabilitation.
New strips added to the All is Not Well web platform will document the project’s progress. The collected strips will also be published as a graphic anthology.
October 27, 2021Comments are closed.