Lucy Bergonzi is an illustrator and arts facilitator with extensive experience in arts education and the voluntary and community sectors. She is a freelance illustrator with Books Beyond Words, publisher of picture-led books for people who have learning disabilities. The books deal with some of life’s issues, and are designed to be used by people who find pictures easier to read than words.
Her Covid-related resources for Books Beyond Words, including Love in Lockdown and Beating the Virus, won a Breaking Down Barriers award for accessible communication at the National Learning Disabilities and Autism Awards 2021. Her previous titles include Choosing My First Job (2018), Belonging (2018), Going to Church (2017) and A Day at The Beach (2016).
Part of her comic strip It’s All About Choice from All Is Not Well (2017) was featured in The Inking Woman, Myriad Editions 2018. Her work is characterised by clear lines and flat colours, often showing observations of everyday people in everyday places.
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