Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Q&A with Gayle Rogers and Ryan Prout

Q+A on Do Not Pass GO  RP How do you combine analogue and digital tools and materials in your work, and do you have a preference for one or the other?  GR I need thinking time before I start a project so I might not draw anything for a few days. I’ll be researching and […]

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Q & A with Ilya

Ryan Prout interviews The Kindness of Strangers artist, Ilya. RP       How would you define yourself creatively? ILYA    I tell people I’m a cartoonist. There’s no shame in that. These days, people are more likely to understand what it is I do if I say I work on graphic novels, rather than comics. Using ‘graphic novel’ […]

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Alex Clarke Q&A

Alex Clarke, artist behind the portrait that accompanies There Is A Draft, talks to Jonathan Clode. JC: What interested you in the All is not well project? AC: It’s incredibly flattering to be asked to contribute. I don’t really consider myself to be an artist as this is the first project of any kind that […]

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Tony Wants – Q&A with Lucy Bergonzi

Ryan Prout interviews Tony Wants writer/artist Lucy Bergonzi RP: Can you remember some of your first drawings? What did you want to draw, and why? LB: I always start my projects with thumbnails, or a storyboard. My thumbnail drawings are scruffy and sketchy – I always envy artists who have the facility to make beautiful […]

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Q&A with Ryan Prout and Jonathan Clode

Artist Mark Stafford interviews All Is Not Well co-organisers Ryan Prout & Jonathan Clode MS: How did the All Is Not Well project come about and what were you hoping to achieve with it?  JC: I have worked in social care for many years and during that time I’ve also been writing comics. I was seeing a […]

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Q&A with artist Mark Stafford

Q+A with Mark Stafford  Interview carried out by Dr Ryan Prout, Cardiff University, co-organiser of the All Is Not Well 2.0 project. RP: How would you define your style and are there particular influences or formative experiences that you would point to as significant?  MS: My usual one-liner about drawing style is that it’s not […]

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World Rivers Day

The 25th of September is World Rivers Day and we are very glad to be able to publish ‘Loss of Habitat’ by Ryan Prout and Mark Stafford, to coincide with the event. World Rivers Day, founded by Mark Angelo, is a celebration of the world’s waterways, highlighting the many values of our rivers. It took […]

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The System is Killing Us

Ryan Prout explores the harsh realities of care provision in Bulgaria

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Interview with Gayle Rogers, co-curator of The Workers’ Gallery

The All is not Well project has been very honoured to be able to exhibit a selection of stories from the first part of the project at The Workers’ Gallery, in Ynyshir. Part of the second component of the project is about understanding the impact of Covid on local communities and in connection with the […]

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All Is Not Well Exhibition

We’re lucky enough to be able to display some of the art from our strips at the Workers Gallery in Ynyshir, Rhondda Cynon Taff. It runs from 12th May to 24th July and we’re planning a talk with some of the creators which we’ll share when dates are finalised. We look forward to seeing you!

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